FreziWorks – FREZITE Group Magazine – Highlights 2022

What else sets our clamping devices, equipments and cutting tools apart? IM - The clamping devices from SERI are very robust and well designed. These devices adapt well to our needs. If we have an idea for technical evolution - be it on the tools or the devices - we know that we have an opening to talk and that we will have a lot of options so that together we can come to the best decision. So, the result is robust, reliable, and good quality equipment. How do you evaluate FREZITE’s turnkey service? IM - CIE Celaya, likemany other companies, integrates its processes directly in the factory and with its own resources. In other words, we integrate the machines, clamping devices, cutting tools and the moulds for the injection of the different parts and here we do the programming, installation and launch of all the projects. Therefore, having a supplier that can provide us with an integrated service - both cutting tools, clamping devices and complementary equipment - gives us a great competitive advantage as a customer, because it greatly reduces the management of different suppliers and the possible problems we could have when implemented a line. 23