
Media | Frezite Group
 Oct 29, 201212 years ago

Frezite supports 1st Solidarity Bosch Race

Valuing social responsibility, as a core value, Bosch Termotecnologia SA, organized on the 4th of November the 1st Solidarity Bosch Race. 50% of the total income reverted to Caritas Portuguesa and the remaining 50% will be divided by two social institutions of the cities of Aveiro and Ilhavo, where the company is based and where this year's event takes place. The organization of the 10 km race was made by Bosch with the support of the University of Aveiro and the City Hall of Aveiro and Ilhavo Besides the race, there was also a walk of about 4 km, aimed at people who value sport and exercise. Reviewing these good practices, Frezite joined this meritorious cause, being one of the sponsors of this initiative.

 Oct 22, 201212 years ago

Frezite Group participates in exhibition in Azerbaijan

Frezite Group participated in the 18th edition of Bakubuid 2012 held in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, between 17-20 October 2012, in order to present to the market its main areas of activity.

The company's participation in the largest international trade fair for the construction sector of the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea was made through a Collective Portuguese Pavilion, organized by APICER.

Thus, Frezite Group continues with the investment in new markets and business opportunities, with the objective of consolidating the winning of international business shares.

 Sep 17, 201212 years ago

Minister inaugurates new premises

The Portuguese Minister of State and Foreign Affairs, Dr. Paulo Portas presided over the ceremony that held in September and was attended by about three hundred guests, including customers, employees and prominent representatives of the Portuguese business. The newly opened space is part of an application for Incentive System for Innovation, supported by EU funds, whose project will be completed by the end of this year. It was an investment of € 4.5 million - part of a global investment of the group with approximately € 8 million - and that will reflect into an increase of responsiveness of the Metal Division

 Sep 12, 201212 years ago

Group invests in corporate brochure and video

More than three decades in the market and the increasing number of areas of activity, justified the edition of a corporate brochure and a video, to show the potential of the Frezite Group.
In Portuguese and English version, these new media are being used to better illustrate the expertise and geographic scope of a group that already has 34 years of existence.

 Sep 3, 201212 years ago

Frezite SRO has new facilities

Since August, this subsidiary, from Frezite Group, in Czech Republic, has a new building.

Built in the industrial zone in Jicin, with a total area of 530 m2, investment in own facilities gives greater autonomy to the Czech branch. Thus it becomes possible to shorten production cycles and simultaneously fulfill Frezite commitment to provide their customers with a local service.

In addition to strengthening the competitiveness of Frezite SRO, in to the level of development consulting solutions, this increase in production itself has been met with great acceptance in the Czech market. To publicize the new facilities and valences of Frezite SRO, the company has sponsored technical meetings with key clients.

 Jul 31, 201212 years ago

Frezite Brazil renews participation and status in ForMóbile

Frezite stand out again in ForMóbile, considered the best channel exposure for those who want to sell to the furniture industry, not only in Brazil but throughout Latin America.

Regular attendance at the event, which took place at the Exhibition of Anhembi, in São Paulo, between 24 and 27 July, Frezite invested in the spreading of circular saws blades.

Recall that last year, Frezite Brazil began the production of saw blades, made in Brazil.

 May 21, 201212 years ago

New Site In Brazil

Since May Frezite has had a new communication support to boost its commercial drive on the Brazilian market. The new website has been developed to help overcome the linguistic differences of the Portuguese language spoken on the two sides of the Atlantic. By providing segmented information about the vast range of solutions and products it has to offer, Frezite Brasil seeks to improve the communication channels with its clients. Visit us at

 May 7, 201212 years ago

Frezite Energia Has a New Site

The Website puts forward the autonomous power supply solutions developed by Frezite Energia e Ambiente. Find out about energy generation alternatives when the mains system is inaccessible or intelligent water management kits at
The company has been placing its faith in autonomous lighting systems, a power supply solution independent of the mains system, hybrid systems for power generation which stand out for their economy and reliability or even kits which allow the collection, storage and efficient distribution of water.

 Mar 6, 201213 years ago

MF Metal Invests In New Resources

Press, TV and hoardings were just some of the resources chosen by the company to disseminate its vast range of solutions for industrial supplies. To raise brand awareness this Frezite Group company has invested in advertising spots on Sport TV, complementing this by advertising inserts in sports and local papers. At the same time the company has also opted for communication supports outdoors, such as illuminated monoposts on heavy traffic routes.

 Feb 7, 201213 years ago

FMT goes ahead in Poland

The Frezite Group formalised its commitment to the Polish market with the incorporation of FMT TOOLING SYSTEMS SP.Z.O.O. This market was being operated from the Czech Republic where the group also has offices. With the opening of the new delegation in Wroc³aw, the commercial team assigned to the Polish market was also strengthened.

 Feb 7, 201213 years ago

Frezite Energia presents FREZWIND

Frezite Energia e Ambiente is going ahead with the commercialisation of an innovative product on the market: a wind generator called Frezwind. It is a solution aimed at the autonomous supply of power (off-grid), combining high aerodynamic efficiency with customised electronic control, a characteristic which ensures more stable energy production throughout the year.
Fine-tuned by intense research and development, this wind generator allows a higher level of available autonomy and power which would be hard to be beat by alternative solutions in the market commercialisation. Hence, Frezwind is a solution which is particularly suited to premises in remote places, namely communications’ towers, forest watch-towers, scientific exploration stations – where there is no electrical mains but a power supply solution is required.