
Media | Frezite Group
 Dec 23, 201311 years ago

Collaborators celebrating the Christmas Dinner

There were about 250 collaborators who participated in FREZITE Group Christmas dinner held in December 20th. In the year in which the company is celebrating 35 years of existence, the interaction was particularly in evidence, with a mix of magic and tributes.

The images clearly show the party atmosphere that was lived.

 Dec 5, 201311 years ago

Frezite – Energy and Environment redesign website

A cleaner layout, a faster and simpler search are some of the characteristics of the new website. The changes introduced bring to light some of the anchor company products, including the portable battery power FreziCube for which the company provides a calculating power software, so that the internet user can choose the most appropriate model. For registered customers, the PumpCalc software also allows to make the best selection of FreziPump solution, existing solar systems for water pumping.

Find out more news at  

 Oct 9, 201311 years ago

President represents the Group in AIP Convention

The President of Frezite Group, Mr. José Manuel Fernandes, was one of the speakers at the AIP - Associação Industrial Portuguesa business convention. Entitled "Survive and Grow", was held at the Lisbon Congress, on the 9th of October. Gathered 1,500 entrepreneurs, 30 speakers and was attended by the Portuguese Prime Minister, Pedro Passos Coelho. The effects of the demand decreasing in the home market, the challenges of innovation and export and the demand of real solutions to solve the problems of the Portuguese companies.

 Oct 5, 201311 years ago

Group offers ambulance to Trofa Firefighters

A rescue pre-hospital ambulance was the offer of Frezite Group, at the 37 Anniversary celebrations of the Trofa Volunteer Firefighters. The ceremony took place on 6th of October at the premises of this association and was attended by the Presidente of Frezite Group, Mr. José Manuel Fernandes and his wife Mrs. Tiva Fernandes. An offer that reinforced the fleet of this Humanitarian Association, replacing the car that last summer was completely destroyed in an accident. An action consistent with the social responsibility, adopted by Frezite Group. This equipment will supports the region where the majority of the employees of FREZITE - PORTUGAL and their families live.

 Aug 2, 201311 years ago

Frezite Groups marks 35 years of existence

On the 2nd of August 2013 Frezite Group completed 35 years of existence. In a journey guided by growth and sustainability, the Group has branches and own production units in 10 countries, to better serve the customers. With strong vocation for export, since the foundation that Frezite philosophy is quality based, innovation and internationalization and currently the Group is present with products and technology in more than 50 countries, on five continents.

 Jun 22, 201311 years ago

Frezite sponsors Bosch race

Partner since the beginning of this initiative, Frezite was again one of the sponsors of the 2nd edition of the Solidarity Bosh Race held on June 22 in Aveiro - Portugal, and was attended by about 1500 participants. The initiative has enabled the delivery of 12,000 euros to each of the charities selected: Casa do Gaiato, Aldeias SOS, Centro Social Paroquial da Vera Cruz de Aveiro and Património dos Pobres – Lar do Divino Salvador de Ílhavo. All these institutions have a very significant support to the children in precariousness and risk, the focus of this year's campaign.

 May 29, 201311 years ago

Group on Trade Mission in Indonesia

Frezite was one of the companies invited by Banco Espírito Santo to join a group of national companies seeking to find the most relevant new markets to sell their products and reinforce the strategy of internationalization. Organized by this bank, the business mission to Indonesia was held in June. An initiative, in which the Group was represented by the President of Frezite, Mr. José Manuel Fernandes

 Mar 1, 201312 years ago

The promise came true and Frezite Group formalized its commitment to the Mexican market with the opening of a company. Established in March, FREZITE METAL TOOLING S DE RL de CV (FMT Mexico) will provide a proximity service, to the increased demand that the Metal Division has received there.

 Jan 11, 201312 years ago

Frezite Group wins status SME Excellence

SME leader since 2010, Frezite Group is now part of the restricted companies with the status of SME Excellence. SMEs Excellence are distinguished by its solid financial ratios and profitability over the national average, so the status is only awarded to companies which have the best economic and financial performance and management. This distinction proves that Frezite Group has successfully maintained high standards of competitiveness in a context particularly demanding, surpassing the crisis with progress.