
Media | Frezite Group
 Jun 30, 201410 years ago

Frezite sponsor Solidary Bosch Racing

Supporter of social causes, Frezite was again one of the sponsors of Bosch solidary Race, an initiative of our Bosch client that for 3 years accomplishes this race - which also joins a walk - to raise funds to support organizations that work with children at risk.

The event was held on June 29th in Aveiro-Portugal with the participation of a group of employees who joined for this solidarity walk. In the edition of 2014 the revenues reverted to the following institutions: Ajuda de Berço (a Social Solidarity Association for Mothers), Ação Social Humanitária da Universidade de Aveiro (Humanitarian Social Action of Aveiro University), Centro de Emergência Infantil da Cáritas de Aveiro (a Children's Emergency Center), Centro de Ação Social do Concelho de Ílhavo (a Social Action Center) and Associação Humanitária “Mão Amiga” de Albergaria-A-Velha (a local Humanitarian Association).

 May 30, 201410 years ago

Frezite and MF Metal in the League of Professions

As in previous editions, Frezite Group once again is going to support the Championship Skills, providing the tools for the contests held in the wood and metal (Multimechanics, CNC milling and MTC) areas, respectively with Frezite and MF Metal brands.

Besides the tools, the young graduates also relied in the technical support of the company, to choose the most appropriate tools for the proposed challenge. The Leagues of Jobs are meetings where young graduates of the Institute of Employment and Vocational Training have the opportunity to compete against each other to determine the national champion in each of the professions in contest. The winners will represent Portugal in the 4rd Edition of the Euroskills to be held in October this year in France (Lille), and in the 43rd Edition of WorldSkills , which will take place in Brazil (Sao Paulo), in August 2015.

 Apr 4, 201410 years ago

FREZITE honored with Internationalization Award 2014

For the fifth time, the consultant EY (Ernst & Young) awarded the best example of entrepreneurship in Portugal. In an event that gathered some of the most remarkable entrepreneurs and national companies, FREZITE won the International EY Entrepreneur of the Year, for it’s internationalization performance. The EY Entrepreneur of The Year 2014 gala award ceremony was held at Estufa Fria, in Lisbon on March 27th, in an initiative that reinforces the importance of entrepreneurship as a core value and a critical success factor for the development of the economy. After the Internationalization Award received in 2011, FREZITE was again distinguished by its action in the international markets.

 Apr 3, 201410 years ago

Frezite President is part of the short list of finalists

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Frezite Group, Mr. José Manuel Fernandes, was one of the six finalists in the EY Entrepreneur of The Year 2013 gala. The EY Entrepreneur of the Year International prize has distinguished the vision and attitude of the charismatic founder of Frezite that has set the development of the Group in 3 key principles:

Quality, Innovation and Internationalization.

The EY Entrepreneur of The Year Award was created in the United States in 1986 with the aim to recognize and encourage entrepreneurs distinguished by creativity, personal investment in the Project Company, vision and success.

The initiative, broadcast by Channel “Economico TV” also had the support of the Economic Journal Gazette and has been certified by the Strategic Programme for Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

 Jan 3, 201411 years ago

Group creates Human Resources Direction

To respond more effectively to the growth and business challenges, FREZITE has changed its organizational structure. “It becomes increasingly important we make a correct and efficient management of our people” can be read in a statement sent by the Administration to the group employees.

Thus, the Human Resources Direction was created “in order to assume a growing role in the development and strategy of the Group” that starts to be seen more as a strategic business unit. The Administrator, Dr. Luis Liz, will take over the leadership of this new division.