
Media | Frezite Group
 Dec 15, 20168 years ago

Frezite distinguished with Trophy OE (Portuguese Association of Engineers) | 80 years

FREZITE honoured by the Association of Engineers, on the occasion of the celebrations of its 80 years, as one of the 12 most emblematic engineering cases of the last eight decades in Portugal. Distinguished in the area of Mechanical Engineering, FREZITE was represented by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. José Manuel Fernandes. A Merit Award that distinguishes and elevates the work carried out by FREZITE team over its 38 years of activity.

 Nov 18, 20168 years ago

The Group Performs Frezite Adventure Challenge

Committed on developing actions that guarantee the motivation of its team, FREZITE has invested in initiatives that contribute to the well-being of employees. The teambuilding actions are not new in Frezite universe, but this year the application spectrum and the challenge released by FREZITE Adventure Challenge have been extended. The program that involved a motivating conversation with the canoeists João Ribeiro and Teresa Portela - who represented Portugal in Rio 2016 Olympic Games – sharing their own experience and challenges of competing at the highest level.

In the afternoon a duathlon was carried out with adventure and fraternization.

October de 2016

 Nov 18, 20168 years ago


Frezite Group's social responsibility policy, allied with the great challenges that arise in organizations, such as in sport, have led Frezite Group to support another landmark event on the international scene. Portugal "O" Meeting is a Pedestrian Orientation event, integrated in the World Ranking of the International Orienteering Federation (IOF WRE) and in the ranking of the Portuguese Cup of the Portuguese Orienteering Federation, which will run from 25 to 28 February in Alentejo, South of Portugal. Frezite Group is one of the sponsors of the event that will bring to Portugal some of the best athletes of the sport.

November 2016

 Jun 14, 20168 years ago

GGroup invests in Tools Management

Committed to generating value for its customers, Frezite Group has invested in new services that complement its wide range of solutions in tooling systems. For some customers, the Group already provides tools management, ensuring five service levels that can reach the management and preparation of tools, supply and inventory management. In this way, the company provides tools properly stored, avoiding intermediate stocks on the client. Through updated reports, guarantees effective management of stocks, ensuring a service with cost transparency.May 2016

 Jun 14, 20168 years ago

... and supports "Mama Help"

Celebrating the 5th anniversary of the association with a dinner-concert at the Casino de Espinho, the Frezite Group has joined to the cause of "Mama Help". This is a non-profit association, founded and chaired by Professor Maria João Cardoso, who currently heads the breast surgery in Champalimaud Foundation. Part of the company's donation was consigned to ensure the participation of some patients of this breast cancer support center in the Anniversary Event.

April 2016

 Mar 15, 20168 years ago

Frezite bet on LEAN

The continuous improvement philosophy adopted in FREZITE Group led to the creation of the Kaizen project in order to provide his team with new analysis tools and decision support. After the analysis and diagnostics step, the company is currently in the implementation step of the Kaizen methodology - which means "change for the better". With the involvement of multidisciplinary teams, across the organization, FREZITE seeks to simplify the flow of information and materials to optimize the time of the production cycle and thereby increases the company's productivity.

 Mar 15, 20168 years ago

Group integrated in COTEC

FREZITE became part of a list of companies associated with COTEC Portugal - Business Association for Innovation - a non-profit association created following an initiative of the President of Portugal with the mission of «promoting the competitiveness of companies established in Portugal, through the development and the diffusion of a culture and a practice of innovation as well as of knowledge, especially that generated in our country». Thus, FREZITE is part of a selective working group that seeks to spread across borders innovation made in Portugal.